What is "DesignFest" ?
The DesignFest is about design and creativity. It gives the attendees the opportunity to learn more about design by doing it. DesignFest is not about passively sitting and listening to experts talk about design. DesignFest is about sharpening your design skills by rolling up your sleeves and working on a real problem with others in the field.  
What to do ?
In DesignFest participants are divided into several groups. Groups may be formed randomly or by the participants. Then every group is given the same design problem. After that group members read and discuss among themselves about the problem domain. They can also visit and discuss with other group members. In fest, fair chance for all participants to say their opinions is highly encouraged.

Each group will present a objected oriented design for the software. There are is no predefined tools for the upcoming fest. Participants can use UML, but using UML is not must, they can simply propose the architecture, various layers, classes, their attributes and operations from the problem domain and present them in their own ways.
How it ends ?
The ending portion is the most interesting part of the fest, here all groups will argue in favor of their designs. Each group will try to learn from the better ideas of other groups. Finally they will forget these debates, congratulate each other and go home with the design experience earned.   
Contest  vs. Fest
As the name reflects DesignFest is a fest not a contest. Here is no winner or looser. In other way, we can say everyone is the winner as he/she earns some real word design experiences. In the fest the participants are not given few tiny maximization, minimization or optimization problems but a real word scenario for which they have to build a software design model. It may happen that, all the groups working together  can not define a proper model for some aspects of the scenario. But reading, analyzing and interacting with others sharpens their design skills and lead them to become great designers and analysts.  
Who can participate ?
  • Any CSE student >= Level 2
  • Teachers are also encouraged to take part.
Download the Problem

Problem For the DesignFest, October, 2003.

Date Time Venue
  • Date : 23-Oct-2003, Thursday
  • Time : 2.00 pm
  • Venue : MML

Copyright © Design Group, 2003
Last updated 16-Oct-2003